Adding a Destination Group
1. Tap + to add a destination group.
2. Type in the name of the destination group and tap
The destination group name can be edited by tapping

Viewing Destination Details
Destination Details lists the total weight (dry/wet), and all of its unload transactions.
To view the details and all of the transactions for a destination, tap

next to the destination name.
Carry Forward Thru Seasons
When closing a season, the totals for ALL destinations persist from one season to the next if Carry Forward is on in the Settings Tab.
To archive/zero the destination totals for a new season for ALL destinations turn Carry Forward off.
To enable/disable Carry Forward for a particular destination(s), switch Carry Forward Thru Seasons on/off in the individual destination details screen.
Add Transfer
Add Transfer allows the ability to manually transfer out an amount from one destination to another to manage inventory. Tap Add Transfer in the individual destination details page, type in an amount to transfer out, and then tap Target to bring up the list of destinations to transfer to.