Weight Screen: Finding Load Cell Ratings
All load cells installed on the grain cart MUST have identical ratios of sensitivity to
capacity (sensitivity/capacity). This is true if all load cells are of the same model
and should be checked
Using the calibration number from an existing indicator:
Find and note the calibration number of your existing indicator as the Rated Capacity
and use 0.40 mV/V as the Sensitivity. Please consult the existing indicator's user manual
for help retrieving the calibration number. Go to Storing Load Cell Ratings.
In all other cases:
Read and note the Sensitivity (Rated Output) and Rated Capacity (Rated Load) from any
one load cell on the grain cart. Multiply the Rated Capacity by the TOTAL number of load
cells on the grain cart. If specifications are unavailable, a good starting point is a
Sensitivity of 0.40 mV/V and a Rated Capacity of 8000 lb multiplied by the TOTAL number of load cells on
the grain cart.
Weight Screen: Storing Load Cell Ratings
1. Ensure the Libra Cart device and app are paired and connected.
2. Ensure units (lb, kg) are set to those of the Rated Capacity found previously.
3. Select the Device tab and enter the Sensitivity and Rated Capacity noted
4. Enter the Calibration Factor as 1.0.
5. Tap Save Settings.
6. Tap Zero Scale.
7. Select the Display tab and tap Tare.
8. Apply a known weight (perhaps your body weight) to one of the cart's load cells, recording the displayed weight. Repeat with each remaining load cell. If the load cells agree and are roughly correct, you can now calibrate. If the load cells agree but are roughly half of that expected, double the Rated Capacity entered previously. If weights do not agree, check wiring and load cell orientation.
1. Ensure the Libra Cart device and app are paired and connected.
2. Ensure the grain cart is empty and on level ground.
3. Select the Device tab and tap Zero Scale.
4. Select the Display tab and fill the grain cart.
5. Tap Tare on the Display tab and then unload the cart into an empty truck, noting the amount unloaded (record as positive).
6. Weigh the load with a trusted scale.
7. Select the Device tab and enter the weight from the trusted scale as the Certified Reading.
8. Enter the noted weight from the app as the Cart Reading.
9. Tap Calculate to compute a new Calibration Factor.
10. Tap Save Settings.
Gate Screen
If your system includes automatic gate control, the Gate screen should be configured.
NOTE: To avoid dangerous or undesirable behaviour, the Gate Mode must reflect your cart’s actual hydraulic equipment.
Mode 1 should be selected if your cart is equipped with a hydraulic reverser valve.
Mode 2 should be selected if your cart is equipped to let the device drive the gate-close hydraulics.
1. Enter your cart’s auger size (volume) in the specified units.
2. Enter the number of seconds that your cart’s auger door takes to close completely.
3. Tap Save Settings when done.
Moisture Screen
If your system includes a moisture sensor, the Moisture screen should be configured. Adjustments can be made to moisture and temperature measurements to calibrate the sensor. These can be entered directly in the Moisture Adjust and Temperature Adjust fields, or by entering the desired moisture or temperature value into the appropriate Target field, and the measured value into the Reading field, then tapping Calculate. In either case, the adjustment will be saved by tapping Save Settings.
Test Screen
The Test screen shows helpful information about your system.
Just as the Libra Cart app can be updated through the App Store, the software that runs on
the Libra Cart device (firmware) can also be updated. To check the availability of new
firmware for the device, tap Update Firmware. If a new version is available, the app
will guide you through the update process.
Restoring the Device
In the unlikely event that you need to restore the firmware to factory defaults,
tap Restore Device.
Sending Diagnostics
Tapping Send Diagnostics will send us an email with all weight measurements collected
by your Libra Cart app. This data will help us tune future versions of the app, and
help diagnose any issues to ensure you
experience the best performance possible. When sending diagnostics, please add some
descriptive notes to the email to ensure that we understand the problem or the
specific need.