Upper Display: Shows the net weight (gross weight minus the tare reference weight) on the mixer.

Lower Display: Shows the gross weight on the mixer.

Loading (New Batch): The upper display shows the amount of the ingredient that remains to be loaded in the mixer from the selected ration.

Weighback: The upper display shows the amount of weighback/feed refusal that is being picked up from a pen and loaded into the mixer.

Feeding (Unloading): The upper display shows the amount remaining that has to be fed (unloaded) to a pen in the selected feed group.
Main Keys

Tare: Sets a reference weight from which the subsequent readings are based (net weight).
Clear: Clears the tare reference weight.
Timer: Allows a countdown mix time to be entered (HH:MM:SS). Selecting the timer while it is running allows it to be modified or cancelled.
Selected Ingredient
While loading, this displays how much of an ingredient has been loaded in the mixer from the total amount of the ingredient expected to be loaded for the selected ration.
Name of Mixer/Current Selected Ration (when loading)
Tap the mixer name and scroll to disconnect from the Libra TMR device or connect to another mixer. This shows the current weight on the mixer. When loading, this displays the amount of all ingredients loaded from the total amount expected to be loaded for the selected ration.
Selected Feed Group/Selected Feeding
Tap the feed group or feeding name to scroll and change the selected feed group and feeding. Ensure correct feed group is selected on the device before loading. When feeding, this displays the amount fed (unloaded) to a pen in the selected feed group from the total amount expected to be fed (unloaded) to that pen.
Selected Operator
Tap the operator name to scroll and change the selected operator. To add a new operator, go to the Operators tab.
Load - New Batch
Begins loading and mixing the ration for the selected feed group. Either the primary display (main device) OR remote displays with remote control access can control loading the mixer with ingredients from the mobile device within range.

1. Tap and select the correct feed group/feeding.
2. Tap Load (on either primary or remote display) to select between New Batch or Weighback. If there is weight on the mixer, it will give you the option to either include ingredients or clear the ingredients/weight on the mixer.
3. Ensure correct feed group/feeding is selected and tap Enter.
4. Begin loading the first ingredient displayed in the ration.
5. Tap Next to load the next ingredient in the ration.
6. Tap End to complete.
Load - Weighback
Allows feed refusal to be loaded back into the mixer as part of the next ration, accounting for each ingredient. Weighback will become an option only after a ration has been fed to at least one pen.

1. Tap the Display tab and then tap Load.
2. Select Weighback for fill type.
3. Select a pen to load weighback from.
4. Tap Done.
5. Begin collecting and loading refusal into mixer from the selected pen.
6. Tap End to complete.
Begins feeding (unloading) to the selected feed group.

1. Tap the Display tab and then tap Feed (from primary display only).
2. Begin feeding the first pen in the feed group.
3. Tap Next to feed the next pen in the feed group.
4. Tap End to complete.